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– the light mounting system for LIGHTcubes
LIGHTrail is a mounting system for LIGHTcubes for laboratory setups.

The system consists of two rails on either side of a camera mount. LIGHTcube modules can be clicked into place on the rail system and then connected to a power supply or a control system like CONTROLbox or LABview via the connections on the rail system.

Using the rail system, modules can be moved horizontally, and their angle can be adjusted to get the best lighting conditions.

BASIC and PRO Version

The simple BASIC version has a 20cm long rail and a module adaptor on either side of the setup. The horizontal position and angle of modules on the rail can easily be adjusted to get the best lighting conditions for overall and macro photography.

The PRO version has expanded 50cm long rails, and each side has two adaptors, so two groups of modules can be attached to each side of the rail system and can be moved independently. In addition, the PRO version is specially designed to stabilize more significant numbers of modules and is advised if more than four modules are needed on each side of the rail system. This PRO version is also practical if dual camera systems are used, such as when a LABview and additional digital camera need to be mounted and used together.

LIGHTcube Setup

With both the BASIC and PRO versions, assembly is easy. LIGHTcube modules are quickly and easily connected to the rail adaptors using each module’s quick, secure system.

Attaching a module automatically connects it to the power and control bus in the system, so no additional cables are needed.

The modules can be controlled manually or via a system like LABview or CONTROLbox.

Innovative Control Options

Modules mounted on the rail system can be controlled manually, using the buttons on the back of the modules, or remotely via the CONTROLbox or LABview systems. Both methods offer the practicality of a simple touch-panel display.

The CONTROLbox is also compatible with systems like PHOTOvent, allowing users to adjust workstation settings such as camera and work surface height and ventilation.

While modules can be used one at a time, multiple modules can be used once if desired. In addition, the LABview system automatically selects the correct filter needed when a light source is selected, making viewing and photography fast and straightforward.

CONTROLbox allows users to control many modules simultaneously and save their preferred lighting settings as custom scenarios.


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