
Asbestos Management

Asbestos is heavily legislated in Australia. The requirements of compliant workplace asbestos management include the provision of a workplace asbestos  management plan and registers if a building has asbestos present and the building was constructed before 2004.

Opira can provide an asbestos management service that ensures compliance with the relevant state-based legislation and an ongoing asbestos management plan to ensure adequate controls and procedures are in place to maintain a safe workplace.

The identification and assessment process is per the Code of Practice for Management and Control of Asbestos in Workplaces. Each state in Australia has their own relevant code of practice view the links below for more information.

Suspected asbestos Items will be identified by either analysis at a NATA-accredited laboratory or suspected or presumed to contain asbestos if laboratory analysis is not feasible.

A risk assessment for each identified item will be conducted for each item based on interrelated factors, and each asbestos item will be assigned a risk rating. This assists building occupants, management and owners in managing asbestos items with standard controls or through more immediate action such as removal.

The asbestos removal process can also be project managed by Opira to ensure compliance with the Code of Practice for The Safe Removal of Asbestos.

Each state in Australia has their own relevant code of practice view the links for more information. NSW VIC WA QLD   

Opira’s Asbestos Management services include:

  • Building surveys for workplace registers and management plans
  • Building surveys for demolition and refurbishment risk management
  • Personal exposure air monitoring
  • Control air monitoring for asbestos removal
  • Clearance monitoring and visual clearance verification
  • Asbestos removal project management
  • Respirator fit testing

Download our Asbestos Guide