Opira Horizontal Laminar Flow Cabinet prevent contamination of semiconductor wafers, pharmaceutical products, biological samples, and other particle-sensitive materials.
The working area is protected from dust and airborne contaminants as filtered air is drawn through a HEPA filter and blown in a unidirectional (laminar) flow towards the user.
The Opira Horizontal Laminar Flow Cabinet is made from stainless steel, so it can be easily cleaned and are less corrosion prone.
The Opira-H1100 / Opira-H1500 / Opira-1800X have a UV-C germicidal lamp and HEPA filter to sterilise the work area.
Opira Cabinets feature:
- Designed and manufactured to comply with AS 2252.6-2011 Controlled environments clean workstations – Design, installation & use.
- Microprocessor control system – LED display
- 2 x waterproof sockets located in the top panel for optimum convenience when using small devices inside the cabinet.
- Transparent side glass windows maximise light and visibility inside the cabinet.