
Fumecare Cyanoacrylate Fuming Chamber

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The Cyanoacrylate Fumecare Fuming Chamber is used to develop latent prints from non-porous surfaces in a controlled and safe environment. The ductless design allows immediate use. Simply plugin and go.

Cyanoacrylate is placed inside the Fumecare Fuming chamber while evidence is easily positioned using the adjustable hanging rods. Starting the cycle triggers the automated system to control the hotplate, humidity, door lock, internal circulation fan, and purge cycle.

Its recirculatory design makes the unit ‘ready to use with no ducting required for its operation or setup. The Cyanoacrylate vapours are filtered by a special carbon filter. This ensures that no dangerous substances are exhausted into the atmosphere surrounding the laboratory. Its ductless construction also allows the unit to be easily moved and transported.

The easy to use control displays all parameters of the processing cycle. Adjustments to the presets can be quickly performed. Display features include Hot plate, Humidity, Temperature, Circulation fan, Cycle time, Lights, Door position with lock alarm, Filter condition, Purge cycle with override cycle stop.


The chamber comes with an electronic control system that includes easy on-screen functions to programme the Purge Cycle, Manual Contact Override, Contact Time and RH Sensor settings which are easily calibrated and also allow A UV Light Option is also available for de-contamination of the chamber, set times can be programmed using the existing control panel.

Opira supply the Fumecare Fuming chamber is available in a variety of sizes see specification sheets for more information and to find the size that suits your particular requirements. We deliver Australia-wide.



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